In the course of a discussion with friends about how show is going to kill us all with the probable end that kills off Sam and Dean (or worse, just one of them) I realized how it needs to end for me.Sam and Dean are in a to-the-death battle with the last big bad...the fight is long and bloody...the foe is vanquished but both are mortally wounded
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Title: Non-Debatable Author: borgmama1of5 Genre: teenchesters Wordcount: 1900 Rating: PG Beta: sandymg Any errors are from my messing around after she worked her magic… Disclaimer: They have to be used to being borrowed by now… Summary: Another hurried departure leaves Sam with unfinished business… Prompt: from moondropz: Sam: I wouldn't do this without my brother. He has my
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Title: Dirty Fighting Author: borgmama1of5 Genre: gen, sometime in season 5 Wordcount: 970 Rating: PG-13 Beta: sandymg who made me very happy when she ‘got’ this one Disclaimer: Just having some fun… Summary: Two guys walk into a bar... Prompt: from kalliel--Crowley: This has been a horrible train wreck, so we’re done. Team up over. (11.10 The Devil in the Details)
Title: Monsters I Get Author: borgmama1of5 Genre: gen, pre-series Wordcount: 1000 Rating: PG-13 Beta: sandymg Best Cheerleader Ever! Disclaimer: Just playing with them nicely… Summary: A variation on ‘Saving People, Hunting Things’ Prompt: From amberdreams (4.14 Sex and Violence) Sam: You seem pretty cheery
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Title: Revenge of the Jedi, Part 3/3 (complete) Author: borgmama1of5 Summary: Dean’s lost the Mark, doesn’t remember what he’s done … yet he’s still haunted. Wordcount: 11,600 parts 2 & 3, 14,600 total Genre/pairings: Gen Rating: R Spoilers: through 9.16 ( Warning )
Title: Revenge of the Jedi Author: borgmama1of5 Summary: "No, Dean, I wouldn't. Same circumstances, I wouldn't." Wordcount: 3000 part 1, 14,600 total Genre/pairings: Gen Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: through 9.13, ( Warning )